Coming Soon PayPal to make your shopping easier and secure. If you are interested in an item below, email me and I'll hold it for you until I have PayPal set up this week.
I am joining Elaine at
Sunny Simple Life for her Sunday party. Pop on over.
As the Beatles sang, we all need a little help from our friends every now and then. I know a lot of members of the blogging community consider Brenda from
Cozy Little House a good friend. She is always so generous with her time and advice for fellow bloggers.
Recently Brenda had a bad fall that resulted in surgery and unanticipated medical bills. She is going to be laid up for months but has her good friend, Judy there to support her. I wanted to do something myself to help and unfortunately, I live too far away to be of any real service.
I was trying to come up with something I could do to help so I decided to sell some of my vintage finds and give the profit to Brenda to help defray her medical expenses. I've asked for Brenda's blessing and she has given her permission for the enterprise. Brenda was hesitant but I encouraged her to accept help. We all need some help some times and I know how supportive the blogging community is. She's been very generous to a lot of us with her time and she needs to let us give back.
So this is how it works. I will periodically be posting items for sale. There will be a button at the top right that you can click on to bring you back to this post to check for new items. For example,
These rolling pins are $8 each or $15 for the pair. The red handled one is 17 inches long and 1 3/4 inches in diameter. The other one used to have a green handle, traces of paint remain. It is 18 1/2 inches long and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. This one is unique in that each handle is different.

All items will be vintage pieces I have picked up. They may also be "upcycled". I will recover my actual cost and send the balance to Brenda. So for example, if I purchased an item for $4 and am selling it for $10. Brenda will get $6. If I upcycle an item, the cost of the materials only (no labour) will be deducted from the selling price and the rest sent to Brenda. Contact me by e-mail if you are interested in an item and I will determine the shipping cost based on where you live. A cheque or money order needs to be mailed to me for the price plus shipping. As I don't have a business, I can't accept credit cards, Paypal, etc. Once I receive payment, I will then send the item to you. If you are unhappy with the purchase after you receive it, return it within 2 weeks and I will refund the purchase price (shipping costs will be the responsibility of the purchaser). Any questions etc, please feel free to e-mail.
New Additions
This pair of vintage cotton pillowcases are for sale for $10. They are beautiful and when I bought them, they had never been used or laundered. They are now freshly washed and ironed. White pillowcases with a pink banding and a double line of pink scalloped embroidery.
This lovely ironstone platter is a new addition for sale. The white background is edged in a raised forest green and gold detail. Price is $10 and size is 12 3/4 by 9 1/4 inches. This same platter is listed on Ebay for $40. It was made T & R Boote England. It is from the Waterloo Potteries and the pattern name is Lugano. It's beautiful and in good shape, no chips, cracks or visible crazing. There are the usual knife marks on a piece of this age. E-mail if you are interested.
This dresser scarf is for sale. It is hand-embroidered and 34 by 13 inches. Sale price is $4 plus shipping cost. If you have questions or are interested inn purchasing this item, e-mail me...